There is and always will be a never-ending battle between those who are for and those against censorship. Everywhere we look we find censorship. Censorship is in movies, television, video games and music. We live in a country that has constantly fought for freedom: freedom of speech, religion, assembly and petition. Because of those values instilled in Americans, there will always be an opposition to censorship. People will strongly rebel against censorship because they feel they are trying to uphold those freedoms. So, where did censorship in movies begin and why was it instituted?

Throughout the progression of graphic sexuality, violence and language in the movies, a demand for censorship sprang forth. Some people felt movies had gotten out of control and were glamorizing immoral behavior. From this objection to the immorality being displayed in movies came the Hays Code. Will Hays wanted to preview every movie before it was released. This regulation on films only caused filmmakers to try even harder to push the limits of things they would show in their films. The Hays code was adopted and enforced by the Motion Picture Association of America until 1968, where it was replaced by the MPAA rating system.

Since the earliest films, filmmakers have continued to push the limits of what is shown on film. Because we live in a world whose consistently pushing the limits of morality and what is acceptable, censorship will always be strongly opposed. People in America will forever hold on to the idea of freedom of speech. Censorship is oppression to those who believe in their freedom of speech. There will always be those who want to censor what is portrayed in films, and those who want freedom of expression. Because of these conflicting interests, there will always be a conflict over censorship.
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